February 18 / Numbers 13:1-14:10a

Numbers 13:1-14:10a

Dear RTB’ers,

When I think of the book of Numbers, it’s today’s story that comes to mind. It’s not the census of the tribes, not the tabernacle and the cloud and fire, not the grumbling – it’s the story of Joshua and Caleb and ten other heads (leaders) searching/spying out the Promised Land. We only get half the story today; we’ll get God’s response tomorrow.

It’s worth noting that the spies were asked to search out the land, not the people: (God speaking) “Send men to spy out the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the people of Israel.”(v. 13:2a) Joshua and Caleb, in their report responded first and foremost to their observations on the land: The land, which we passed through to spy it out, is an exceedingly good land. If the LORD delights in us, He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey. (vv. 14:7b-8) Only secondarily did they give a positive report about the people in the land and God’s hand in dealing with them (Num. 14:9). And with all that, the people were ready to stone them! Rabble, again…??

All too often I’ve asked myself how I would respond to the ten vs. two, or how I would feel if I were one of the twelve. Am I confident in God’s ability to move His church forward? What part am I playing in that?

Stay tuned for God’s reply tomorrow.


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