February 26 / Numbers 22

Numbers 22

Dear RTB’ers,

We leave Moses and the Israelites for three days to read the strange story of Balak and Balaam – and today, Balaam’s donkey. There have been a few times in my Christian walk when I have heard someone mention Balaam’s donkey, mostly as something like “If God can make Balaam’s donkey speak, then surely He can … (whatever)…” And yes, God can do anything He wants!

It’s a strange story. Knowing that the Moabites would be too weak in warfare against Israel, Balak wants to hire a “prophet” from another land to come and curse Israel, presumably benefiting Balak’s Moabite people. Balaam twice refuses Balak’s request, then with the Lord’s blessing begins his journey toward Moab. Then he is confronted by an angel of the Lord impeding his journey three times and eventually speaking to Balaam through his donkey. Then the Lord allows Balaam to continue his journey. Strange!

So, what to make of this story (and its culmination the next two days)? There have been times in my life when I have faced adversity and I had to ask myself whether it was the Lord directing me or Satan impeding me. Then I would have to ask myself further whether I should redirect my efforts or fight through the adversity. Only by constant prayer and my own continuing efforts would I eventually see the Lord’s hand at work and see the direction in which He was guiding me – sometimes a redirect and sometimes continuing on the path in which I was headed. Specifically, I faced six major setbacks in my academic life. On three occasions I was redirected down another path and on the other three occasions I continued to fight through the adversity. I don’t see an easy answer for difficulties in our lives, but I do know that prayer is essential. Proverbs offers wisdom for facing adversity with two well-known verses: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6) To those two well-known verses, I would add also the next partial verse: Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD… (Proverbs 3:7a). Amen.


See also: February 15 (2023) / Numbers 21-24

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1 Comment

  1. Why not add the rest of Proverbs 3:7: and turn away from evil ? That bit sounds like good advice, too…

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