March 7 / Numbers 33-35

Numbers 33-35

Dear RTB’ers,

Israel’s journeying, its geography, new leadership, and cities of refuge. A lot going on in today’s reading! Have you ever heard the phrase, “The devil’s in the details?” Today’s chapters clearly show us that God is in the details! He names some 40 places to where the Israelites sojourned in the wilderness as they left Egypt; He defines the boundaries of the Promised Land to exact detail; He specifies a dozen new leaders for the tribes; and He makes provision for cities and surrounding properties for the Levites, including cities of refuge. Of 63 verses in today’s last two chapters, there are only three verses where the Lord is not speaking! In addition, it is at His command that their journeying is listed: Moses wrote down their starting places, stage by stage, by command of the LORD, and these are their stages according to their starting place. (v. 33:2) Yes, the Lord is in the details. That’s a comforting thought!


See also: February 20 (2023) / Numbers 34-36

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