Mark 4:1-20
Dear RTB’ers,
The sower and the seed. This one is another gospel reading that has been used for sermons, kid story time, group application activities, etc. – it’s a parable well known to all of us. So, we ask, “What’s new? What have I not seen before?” And my own answer – what if God is continually sowing seed onto each one of us and at any given point in time we are side path, rocky land, thorny ground, or good soil recipients. Going back in time, was I (were you) ever on a wrong path or living a rocky life or excessively choked by thorns – and I (you) missed the best that God had to offer? But at some point, since I am posting this item (and if you are in RTB and are reading this post), some seed must have fallen on my (your) good ground.
I am currently going through the gospels with a 20-year-old young man. Our reading for today had a quote from Luke’s gospel, Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32) The NKJV was even more pointed: It is the Father’s good pleasure… I do not spend enough time thinking about our Father’s love for us or His “good pleasure” in providing for us and our families in our earthly life, let alone His kingdom! It’s one thing to be thankful for what we have; it’s quite another to see joy in our Father’s face as He looks down upon us. Imagine His joy when His newly sown seed falls on our good soil!