June 22 / Acts 24:22-25:12

Acts 24:22-25:12

Dear RTB’ers,

Paul before Felix and Festus in Caesarea. …wishing to do the Jews a favor… (twice, Acts 24:27, 25:8). The Roman governor of Judea and Samaria needed the support of the leading Jews in order to maintain peace in the region. This is not the first time that we have seen this accommodation: About that time Herod the king laid violent hands on some who belonged to the church. He killed James … and when he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also… (Acts 12:1-3a)

More than two years have passed since Paul stood before Felix while the Jews brought charges against him. So Festus arrives as the new governor and very quickly takes a trip to Jerusalem. There he visits the Jewish council and (presumably) asks what issues they want to discuss. So first and foremost, these leaders want Paul tried before their council. More than two years have gone by and Paul is still foremost in their minds. Unbelievable!! The fear that the Jewish leaders had of this new religion and this powerful preacher…

So Paul was being tried before Festus in Caesarea, when Festus asked Paul, “Do you wish to go up to Jerusalem and there be tried on these charges before me?” (v. 9b) Those charges were charges by the Jewish leaders, presumably that Paul had committed crimes against the Law or the temple or Caesar (v. 8) But Paul was already before Festus’ tribunal in Caesarea and his Jewish accusers were before him. Why was this situation not sufficient for a trial? Why would Festus offer Jerusalem, except to appease the Jews? And why would Paul say, “I appeal to Caesar.” (v. 11b) Why would he not say that he was already before a Roman tribunal in Caesarea, with no need to go elsewhere? Or was this appeal Paul’s ticket to get to Rome – where he had long desired to go? Interesting…!


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