July 22 / Psalms 23-24

Psalms 23-24

Dear RTB’ers,

Those of you who stay caught up with our readings, especially those of you who read early in the morning possibly noticed that yesterday’s Psalm reading at church was almost exactly our own daily reading. We read Psalm 22:22-31; at church it was Psalm 22:23-31, one verse off. I was able to enjoy the Psalm reading at church in a very different way than usual, having posted on it already that morning. Doesn’t happen often, but when it does…! Sweet!!

Psalm 23, the Good Shepherd, a favorite, one we all know, one that many of us can quote by heart, a standard for children’s storybooks and Sunday School. Surely Jesus was reflecting back to this Psalm in John 10:1-16. 

Psalm 24. Bible scholars maintain that David wrote this Psalm in conjunction with him bringing the Ark of the Covenant into the city of Jerusalem. See II Samuel 6 for that history and especially tying that history into verses 7-10 in this Psalm. Back in my post in 2022 I linked these last four verses to Palm Sunday, to Jesus’ own triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Those four verses fit His entrance really well, as we know Him today. However, the Palm Sunday crowds were probably not singing Psalm 24 just yet. They had not yet raised His stature to that level! But we today can see our King of Glory entering that Holy City. To begin His last week on Earth…


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