July 30 / I Thessalonians 4

I Thessalonians 4

Dear RTB’ers,

For this is the will of God, your sanctification (v. 3a, NASB). This word, “sanctification” occurs twice more in the next four verses in the NASB; the ESV has “holiness” in verses 4b and 7b. It was a new concept to me that I picked up on only a few years ago, in our Men’s Group meetings. One (or more) of the men spoke of “salvation and sanctification” – first an initial conversion, a turning to the Lord, then our continuing growth in Him, being filled with all that He has for us, being filled with the Holy Spirit, a changed life. That’s sanctification.

Paul speaks of the “end times” in today’s last six verses – one of the clearest pictures that he gives us of what the end will look like. To me 4:14 is the key verse: For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep. Paul seems to be answering a question, possibly brought to him by Timothy, that the Thessalonians were concerned that their friends who had died would not see Jesus when He returns. Paul clarifies that for them – and for us! For the following twenty centuries billions of Christians have “fallen asleep” – and many of us will (?possibly, probably?) join them before Jesus returns. But because He died and rose again, so shall we!

One other item. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air… (v. 17) My Study Bible said that this is the only place in the New Testament where a rapture of living Christians is clearly stated. Yet so many people/denominations make such a big deal about it!


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