August 5 / Joshua 2

Joshua 2

Dear RTB’ers,

Today’s key verse (Rahab speaking): … for the LORD your God, He is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath. (v. 11b) Today’s reading is a good example of God at work in our lives – with His work done alongside our efforts. Consider man’s contribution: Joshua’s leadership, the spies’ activities, and Rahab’s deception. And God’s intervention: He led the spies to Rahab and He gave her a heart of faith in Him.

Joshua’s plan would have failed and the spies likely would have been executed had it not been for the Lord’s guiding the spies in Rahab’s direction and His gifting Rahab with active faith. However, Joshua did not sit idly by, waiting for the Lord to bring devastation on the Promised Land as He had on the Egyptians. Joshua acted, using his God-given wisdom and training. The spies went forward as directed, gathered the necessary information about the town and the people, and returned safely to Joshua. A plan was formed and the mission succeeded.

Before the advent of power steering, we used to say that it was easier to turn the steering wheel on a car in motion than on one that was still. Likewise, if we are waiting for God to act in our lives, He might act more quickly, moving us in one direction or the other if He sees that we are already at work. I can truthfully say that the Lord led me to the University of Maryland where I met my wife, Carol. However, there’s a lot of back-story leading up to that outcome – God at work in both our lives!


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