August 19 / Joshua 24

Joshua 24

Dear RTB’ers,

Yesterday we had two sets of three times that Joshua had reminded Israel of God’s giving them the Promised Land and of the possibility of them losing that land due to their disobedience. Again today, we have two sets of three interchanges, “And Joshua said to the people…” (vv. 2, 19, 22), together with the people’s responses, “And the people said to Joshua…” (vv. 16, 21, 24). Their intent is solid, but we will see, even in the very next book of the Bible (Judges) that their follow-through is weak!

Today, probably the most famous verse in the book of Joshua, “…choose you this day whom you will serve … But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (v. 15) I’ve seen this verse on plaques in many Christian homes, typically as I’ve first walked into their houses. It’s a good testament to a household’s faith, and a good daily reminder to the family.


See also: March 11 (2023) / Joshua 23-24

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1 Comment

  1. I had intended (but forgot) to comment on the following verse (the Lord speaking): I gave you a land on which you had not labored and cities that you had not built, and you dwell in them. You eat the fruit of vineyards and olive orchards that you did not plant. (v. 13) I recall a pastor once speaking to us as our congregation was about to embark on a building program, telling us that most of us had grown up in churches that someone else had built. True enough, but the connection that I made had to do with my/our being born in the USA. And the Lord’s statement to Joshua and Israel is even more powerful for those of us with our American birthright. As Carol and I prepare to go overseas, our simple blue USA passports are GOLD just about everywhere we go!!

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