August 29 / Proverbs 2-3

Proverbs 2-3


Reading these chapters, I’m guessing that we’d all readily agree that wisdom is a good thing. We all recognize that it is to be prized (Pr. 3:4), that it has immense practical value, that it is life-giving and is fully consistent with righteousness and justice and equity, every good path. (Pr. 3:9) And so, we would all like to be considered to be wise. No one wants to be thought of as a fool.

Yet which of us truly seeks for wisdom diligently? Oh, sure, we’ve all spent time studying in school, some devoting years in the pursuit of advanced degrees. But is true wisdom (not just knowledge) really a high priority for us? Are we honestly willing to start at the beginning, with the fear of the LORD? Or do we want to skip that bit? Are we willing to lay aside our own ideas and preferences, submitting all to the Lord? Do we trust Him fully? (Pr. 3:5-6) Or are we holding back?

If we are honest with ourselves, most (if not all) of us would have to admit that we do not routinely pursue wisdom with vigor. We’re happy to stumble upon bits of wisdom here and there, but we do not search it out wholeheartedly. Let’s change that. Let’s listen to Proverbs. Let’s seek out Wisdom, and in so doing seek the Lord Himself.

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