September 17 / Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31

Take a few minutes to think about how you, deep down, might describe an excellent wife. (Pr. 31:10) Knowing that your perspective has been shaped by a variety of forces — for example, your parents and the home you grew up in, societal shifts and expectations over your lifetime, your own marriage (if applicable), the books you’ve read, both fiction and nonfiction — what qualities would you honestly put forward as exemplary for a married woman, or, for that matter, any woman, married or not? How does your paradigm compare with what we read in Proverbs 31:10-31?

Take some time and honestly consider this. Are you offended by anything here? Are you convicted by anything here? Does anything about your own view need to change? (And yes, I am asking all of us, both men and women.)

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