September 26 / Romans 5:1-11

Romans 5:1-11

Dear RTB’ers,

Another sentence with faith and grace together: Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand… (v. 2). That pairing is probably much more common than I had realized.

Another oft-quoted verse, regularly used in sharing our faith: …but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (v. 8) Our sins, His death. The prelude to that verse is also strong: For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die… (v. 7). Thinking of one person or a group of people or entire armies dying for a good cause, being here in Europe, reminders of WWII are everywhere. Yesterday one of my Ukrainian students corrected me. Earlier in my lecture I had mentioned the USSR, the former Soviet Union. Then in a later comment about Germany’s “eastern front” in WWII, I noted that “Russia” deserved a lot of the credit for defeating Hitler because of how they withstood him on that “Russian front”. After class this young lady clarified to me that it was the USSR, the Soviet Union, including the Ukrainian SSR, not Russia alone that defeated Germany. I stood corrected. Much of the fighting between the Soviet Union and Germany was on Ukrainian soil. Good Ukrainian men died.

Suffering…(v. 3) More to say on that in a later post.

And so much more in these verses…! C’mon, y’all, weigh in!!


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