October 17 / Exodus 21:33-22:19

Exodus 21:33-22:19

Dear RTB’ers,

Sorry folks, today’s assignment should have been though 23:19, but I unwittingly stopped short – a continuing illness-induced brain fog. I’ll pick up with 22:20 tomorrow.

There are two “Thou shalt not…” commands (Ex. 22:18-19) in today’s reading, direct orders from God. The rest of today’s reading is a set of “if-then” situations – first the situation, then the judgment. In each case a man (or his animal) takes an action, there is an incident, then God’s decision as to restitution. Responsibility! To me, that’s what today’s reading comes down to today. What we do in this world matters. We act (or fail to act), there are outcomes, and there is judgment rendered – not always rightfully executed in this world, but certainly in the next. Every action, every day has outcomes and consequences.

But as I go about my daily routine, in this case teaching students foreign to my ways, do I seriously think of the outcomes of what I’m teaching or the consequences for many lives down the road? I need to be careful, every day, every class. Carol and I have long known that the apostle James said it best, Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. (James 3:1) But to all of us, teachers and non-teachers alike, …whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (I Corinthians 10:31) That’s what responsibility is really about!


See also: January 24 (2023) / Exodus 22:16-25:40

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