II Corinthians 12:11-21
Dear RTB’ers,
Today’s reading is so confusing, so seemingly out-of-place that I had to go back to John’s comment on “Rearranging II Corinthians” from 2021. As you read through that post, please pay particular attention to any mention of chapter 12 or of chapters 10-13.
I agree with John. What we are reading today and the past three days and tomorrow might well be part of that “earlier letter”, written and received and replied to well before II Corinthians 1:1-7:16 (without 6:14-7:1). So as you read today’s and tomorrow’s readings, imagine that you have never seen the first seven chapters and that there is a lost letter and a lost visit somewhere in Paul’s life, both well before chapters 10-13.
Thank you, John, for that 2021 post and for the work that you did back then. It’s time for that doctoral dissertation…!!