January 18 / Leviticus 25

Leviticus 25

Dear RTB’ers,

Question about the Year of Jubilee – its reckoning, its purpose, and spiritual blessings for us today. First, its calculation… Every seventh year the land was to lie fallow so that it could replenish its nutrients (somewhat similar to crop rotation today), then the Year of Jubilee was set at the 50th year; after seven sets of seven years there would be one more fallow year, the 50th year. As to its purpose, I see a couple of items. First, there is a constant reminder to the people that they are only “sojourners”, that the land belongs to the Lord and that He has given it to them to maintain, not to “own”. Inherent in this is something of a restriction against the accumulation of wealth – something our billionaires could learn from today. Also there is a concern for poverty and equity, than no person or family would become forever indebted to anyone else.

For spiritual blessings today, I see first and foremost God’s concern for the poor. He does not allow for permanent poverty. In the past the concern for poverty rested with the church, but beginning with welfare laws in England and the establishment of Social Security and welfare laws in the United States, taking care of the poor began to be a state function. I believe that we are spiritually blessed when we care for those less fortunate than ourselves – witness our church’s commitment to Avanza and those children’s families! And if you’re looking for someone to help outside of our church, check in with the Mission Committee!!


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