January 7 / Luke 2:21-38

Luke 2:21-38

RTNT 2021. …a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel. (v. 32) My NASB Study Bible had six references from Isaiah to the (emboldened) first half of this verse: Isaiah 9:6; 42:6; 49:6,9; 51:4; 60:1-3; plus references to Matthew 4:16 and Acts 13:47; 26:23. I have often heard that Matthew’s Gospel was written for the Jews and that Luke was writing to a larger audience that included both Jews and Gentiles. The last half of his second book, the Acts of the Apostles is almost entirely about Paul’s missionary work among the Gentiles. At least twice Luke quotes Paul as saying, “…from now on I will go to the Gentiles” or words to that effect (Acts 13:46; 18:6). With the verse cited above Luke highlights early in his Gospel his focus on Jesus’ outreach beyond the Jews. We continue to be the beneficiaries today of Luke’s focus way back then!

See also: January 11 / Luke 2:21-38 from 2019.

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  1. When presented for circumcision, Jesus was probably not the only baby there. That Simeon and Anna both would be enraptured by this particular baby, and both immediately felt they were witnessing the Lord’s Messiah is wonderful and powerful. Jesus’ divinity must have been ever-present; humble, a man of the people, but with an aura that was immediately recognizable by all who saw him or met him throughout his life.

    1. Regarding any aura Jesus might have had and the subsequent recognition of His divinity, I think that was (and is) entirely dependent on the Holy Spirit’s giving the observer “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” at the direction of the Father. Then, as now, spiritual things are spiritually discerned. (1 Cor. 2:14) As we know, plenty of people encountered Jesus, but few recognized Him as the Christ. During His ministry, Peter was the first to declare that recognition, and Jesus said, “flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven…” (Matt 16:17). We see Christ for Who He is by revelation, and that is a blessing of grace. Glory!

  2. I was struck by how often we hear only parts of prophesies, like the Jews’ hearing only about Israel’s salvation, and overlooking the part about the whole world. How often do we hold partial truths, instead of the whole truth?

  3. My attention was called to Luke 2:29-33 where Simeon was speaking, specifically about finding peace, seeing the Savior who is a light… It’s interesting to note that I had a similar experience (although different circumstances) regarding finding peace by seeing our Savior’s light. This was a healing/recovery circumstance, but extremely powerful nonetheless. I’m jealous of Simeon who actually saw Jesus in the flesh and experienced His peace and light in person.

    1. Great connection, Bruce, especially that you highlighted those three words that tied it all together for you. Love that personal touch…!

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