Matthew 9:35-10:15
…for the laborer deserves his food. (v. 10b) Over the years the Lord has blessed me with more of an evangelical heart to the point where I see most day-to-day meetings with strangers as possible sharing opportunities. To that end I have developed (that is, I trust that the Holy Spirit has put on my heart) a number of introductions and transitions that I use as I seek to move the conversation to Jesus or His church or whatever. I employ this verse in 10b as one of those opportunities, but I translate it as “…a laborer is worthy of his wages.” I use this verse when I tip a plumber or an electrician or some other craftsman who has come to do some work for us. It’s a natural thing – we tip food servers at restaurants, why not “servers” who do other things for us? Lately I find myself occasionally praying for people when I deliver flowers from Rachel’s shop. Those prayers are never refused and are most often much appreciated. I say these things, not to my honor, but to encourage each of us to find ways to share our faith more openly with people we meet. We live in a hurting world and the Lord needs laborers for His harvest.
See also: May 7 / Matt. 9:35-10:15
Ask the Lord to send laborers into His harvest. Good points, Fred. When we pray, God often tells us that we are the answer, not “them”, or someone else. How, where etc. is He telling me? Your tips are helpful, Fred. Now I need prayer to follow up.