January 11 / Luke 2:21-38

Luke 2:21-38

“Notice what you notice.” What’s blessing me today is how much our agreement to “deep think” these passages is linking them all together. Two items came up again that I had mentioned in earlier posts. The first was the work of the Holy Spirit. I had reflected on the work of the Holy Spirit back on January 3 in relation to Mary, Elizabeth, and Zacharias. Now we see His work on Simeon in three consecutive verses (Luke 2:25-27), lest there should be any doubt of the work of the Holy Spirit throughout Jesus’ early life!!

The second item was Mary’s “firstborn” (v. 23). I talked about that at length on January 9, then mentioned it again on January 10. But on both of those occasions I was thinking about my Catholic background, Mary’s “ever” virginity, and whether or not Jesus had brothers and sisters. But I had forgotten about setting aside the firstborn of all males for the Lord’s service (Exodus 13:12-13). These firstborn of all Israelites were later replaced by the tribe of Levi (Numbers 3:11-13). So any mention of Jesus’ being Mary’s firstborn does not automatically suggest a second born or third…, etc. However, that little word “until” still applies (Matthew 1:24-25) to disrupt Catholic teaching.

Finally, one other mention – Anna (Luke 2:36-38). That name always jumps out at me. My mother had died when I was four years old. She always went by her nickname, Nancy, but her given name was Anna. “Anna” is also the name on her tombstone, so that name is imbedded in my soul. I don’t see too many girls named Anna these days, but a few older “Anna” women that I have known have been gems!! I am blessed every time I read Luke’s mention of this three-verse Anna.

Blessings on you all!

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1 Comment

  1. Fred, I love the name Anna, our new granddaughter’s full name is Anna Elizabeth. What a blessing!

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