Psalm 8
No doubt Psalm 23 is the favorite for millions, maybe even billions of Christians worldwide, but inexperienced and unknowledgeable as I am in the Psalms, today’s reading, Psalm 8 is my favorite. It struck me early in my Bible reading and continues each time I read it anew.
David begins by ascribing glory and majesty to his (and our) Lord (vv. 1-2) and closes with that same thought (v. 9). Then he reviews the magnitude of the heavens and sees mankind as such a small bit of God’s creation. But God looks down on this small bit of His creation, each and every one of His created human beings and has …crowned him with glory and honor… (v. 5b) and set him above everything else in all creation.
And if all that is not awesome in itself, because of His love for all of humanity and to rescue His human creation from the depths of their sin, He sent Jesus to die for us and His Holy Spirit to live in each and every one of us – each and every one of us, personally! …what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him? (v. 4) David, living a thousand years before Jesus had some knowledge of, some feeling for God’s love for him. But he did not know what we know from our perspective this side of the cross. God loves you, God loves me, eternally!