January 17 / Psalm 16

Psalm 16

A portion of today’s reading is well known to many of us. Peter quotes verses 8-11 verbatim in Acts 2:25-28 when speaking to the crowd after the Holy Spirit landed on the apostles at Pentecost. Paul also quotes verse 10b: And as for the fact that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption, He has spoken in this way, … “You will not let Your Holy One see corruption.” (Acts 13:34-35) The apostles clearly saw these verses as pointing to Jesus.

However, as David wrote this Psalm, I don’t sense that he was speaking of his descendent, the Messiah. In our translations of “the Holy One” the Hebrew word is “hasid”. It’s the same word that David uses back in Psalm 4:3, But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for Himself; the LORD hears when I call to Him. In Psalm 4:3 David is clearly linking the godly to himself. By association, there is reason to assume that David is speaking of himself in today’s reading where “hasid” is translated “the Holy One”.

Beyond all that, verse 3 is the one that jumped out at me today: As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight. As before I am drawn to my fellow worshipers at St. Andrew’s, in whom is all my delight. A nice thought to close…

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  1. Good morning, everyone!

    Today’s psalm is so positive! My heart resonates with verse 2:
    I said to the LORD, ‘You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.

    My study Bible notes mention that this is a “psalm of trust.” Truly, I think it is one we could pray back to the Lord often with grateful and confident hearts for the blessings and peace in our lives now, and our hope in our eternal life with him.

    I often question, “God, why me? Why us? Why do you bless us so much?” And I picture the Father hitching up his robes and running to embrace me, the prodigal daughter. It is a beautiful grace he grants us all…

  2. Verse 7 got my attention this morning; “I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me.” I am specifically drawn to the second half of the verse, “…even at night my heart instructs me.” I didn’t know (or even think) God was working on and through my heart even at night, even when I’m sleeping. Often times my night time closing prayers include asking God for “a good night’s rest” or “a good night’s sleep”. I always implied good physical sleep or physical refreshment with that prayer, never thinking God may be making modifications to my heart and instructing me during that time also. What a comforting thought, to be truly in His hands even when we’re not awake! Yeah, I’ll take it!

    1. I appreciate those thoughts: trust in the Lord, confidence, and preparing us even as we sleep. Our brains are created to need rest, physically and spiritually!

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