January 21 / Psalm 18:25-36

Psalm 18:25-36

Yesterday I noted that today David is moving from a focus on himself to bring in the rest of us. We see that particularly in today’s first three verses, almost an aside from the flow of the Psalm. Then the next nine verses, if we can stay with the “us” joining David in his plight, those nine verses sound like an army (or a platoon or a squad) in basic training preparing for the battle that begins tomorrow in verse 37.

Verse 36 struck me today: You gave a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip. I was noticing a very large tree yesterday all by itself in a large field. It was snow-covered but still majestic in the 25-degree weather. Even the limbs and branches looked strong. So today I’m thinking of its roots, that …wide place for my steps under me… Some roots go deep and some roots go wide. I was guessing that this tree must have had roots that went both deep and wide, roots that continued to absorb moisture and nutrients and continued to feed the limbs and branches, even with this adverse weather condition. We all need roots that go both deep and wide. For many of us that could be Scripture reading, both in small sections and in large chunks. I’m much better with the large chunks. Reading Psalms this year is helping me with the small sections. We need both, those small sections and the big picture!

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  1. As I’m reading this passage, verse 29 stands out to me.
    With Your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.

    Right now I’m facing a wall that seems impossible to scale. I have been doing a 21 day fast. Last week the focus was on food. This week is to fast from social media and watching TV. I have struggled with this week’s fast and yesterday I went back to Facebook surfing. This verse reminded me that I can’t do this on my own. Verse 32 points out that it’s God that provides the power not me. And in 29 “…with my God I can…“. With my God and ONLY with my God can I scale this wall. What wall are you facing today?

  2. I was struck by v. 28, about God being our lamp and light. Like Carol said earlier, I want to hold up His light and go out into the world with it. (She was running, I would probably do a slower walk!)

  3. I was struck by how these verses foreshadow the Beatitudes, particularly “With the merciful You will show yourself merciful” and “With the pure You will show Yourself pure.

  4. So many thoughts and interpretations. I love hearing from you all about the reading for each day. This enriches my study time and lets me see things I missed.

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