August 19 / Mark 10:32-45

Mark 10:32-45

Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” They were on the road going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking on ahead of them; and they were amazed, and those who followed were fearful. (v. 32a) That “…they were amazed…” seems to me a reasonable reaction, especially if they had just witnessed the raising of Lazarus. But what caught my eye was that “those who followed were fearful…”. That struck me as strange, at first. But then, thinking further… The crowd that was following probably included some devoted disciples, but it may also have included some onlookers who were interested in “this Jesus”, but who also knew that to be in favor of Jesus was to be at odds with the Jewish leadership. And if rumors had begun circulating about the chief priests and Sadducees now agreeing together on Jesus as an “enemy of the state”, following along after Jesus could indeed make for a fearful follower.

Following fearfully is not where we are in the USA these days. No further comment, just that…

Slava Bohu!

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1 Comment

  1. I am wondering if those closest to Jesus were more focused on him, while those behind, a little less close had other distractions? But we certainly knew the disciples tried to talk him out of going to Jerusalem but were determined to go with him anyway. I am wondering if I am in the distracted group; do I keep Jesus and resurrection as my focus?

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