July 8 / Proverbs 13:14-25

Proverbs 13:14-25

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Proverbs 13:20

It matters whom you hang out with.

But that begs the question: how is it that one “falls into” a given crowd? We do not always get to choose our associates. In particular, we don’t choose our family of origin, so for the first few years of life we have virtually no choice in the matter whatsoever. But insofar as we have a say, we should choose our friends wisely. (Of course, that presents a bit of a Catch-22 scenario, requiring at least some wisdom in order to choose wise friends so as to become wise…)

In any case, our associates tend to rub off on us, for good or ill, for wisdom or folly. And these days our associates are not limited to face-to-face physical encounters. We can be “friends” with people all over the world, and we are deluged with information through the media, mainstream or otherwise. So take some time and make the effort to evaluate your associations and sources of information. Which ones are wise and which are foolish? Which present a biblical worldview? Which present an anti-Christian worldview, even subtly?

It matters whom you hang out with.

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1 Comment

  1. A Christian conference speaker once suggested that if there were two bad boys among some 50 boys at a party, that the two would find each other! At St. Andrew’s we’re blessed to have one another and to be able to play with the good boys (and girls) at our party!

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