July 20 / Proverbs 19:16-29

Proverbs 19:16-29

Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.

Proverbs 19:21

Last week we mentioned in passing a few verses about planning. Today we get another one. Here we are reminded that we do quite a lot of planning. We all do, all the time, so much so that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without planning. We have short-range plans and long-range plans. We plan get-togethers and set goals. We plan menus and sporting events. We have business plans and battle plans. Rarely do we get out of bed without some plan for the day, even if it is just following some habitual daily routine.

But every plan is subject to interruption and unforeseen circumstances. As the military saying goes, “No plan survives first contact with the enemy.” Someone else’s plan collides with ours. Accidents happen. Illnesses happen. Weather happens. Some small cog in our grand plan breaks a tooth and the whole thing comes off the rails. The prudent anticipate such problems and create contingency plans, building in flexibility and alternatives, but even such contingency plans are subject to further contingencies.

In all our planning we must recognize the truth of the second half of this proverb, that it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. And that requires humility. He is the one Who is sovereign over all. He is the One Who sees the end from the beginning. He is the One Who makes all things work together for good. (Rom. 8:28) He is the One Who will set all things right. So when things go “wrong”, thank God! (Eph. 5:20)

Easy? Not at all! We do not like it when our plans are disrupted. And we are often completely blind as to what the Lord’s good purposes might be. With hindsight we may eventually see some good result, but often we never do — not in this life, at least. The disruptions we face run the gamut, from traffic delays to traffic accidents, from sniffles to pandemics. Perhaps we brush off the more minor ones (or maybe we don’t!) and perhaps we wrestle with the bigger ones (or maybe we don’t!). In all cases we need to cultivate humility and gratitude toward the One Whose purpose will stand. But it isn’t easy!

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  1. Such encouraging words, John. I would only add that we not forget the end of Rom 8:28 – “who makes all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.

  2. Good morning. Received a great quote today.

    “Psalm your heart, Proverbs your footsteps, and Philippians your faith.”
    Patsy Clairmont

    Have a great rest of your day.

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