September 16 / September 29:15-27

Proverbs 29:15-27

Many seek the face of a ruler,
but it is from the LORD that a man gets justice.

Proverbs 29:26

Proverbs is an immensely practical book, providing wisdom and insight for everything from child rearing (Pr. 13:24; Pr. 29:15,17) to money management (Pr. 22:7), from honesty and integrity (Pr. 20:10) to the value of work (Pr. 6:6-11; Pr. 20:13; Pr. 28:19-20), from sexual purity (Pr. 6:32) to political leadership (Pr. 20:8; 29:4). It is not a book to simply read and find interesting; it is a book to be applied. We are called to exercise its wisdom in every area of life, including politics. And since we live in a democratic republic, that is all the more true, as we the voters bear the responsibility for choosing our elected officials.

Yet pinning all one’s hopes on any particular candidate or political party is folly. Our faith and hope need to be in the LORD, for He is the One Who is sovereign over all, and He is the One Who will ultimately set all things right. So trust in Him. But faith in the Lord does not absolve us from our responsibility to vote — and to vote wisely. Just recognize that it is from the LORD that a man gets justice.

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