October 2 / Psalm 107:17-32

Psalm 107:17-32

Continuing in Psalm 107… The psalmist continues his narrative of people in various situations living in terror, distress, difficulties, then reaching out to the Lord and His delivering them. Yesterday we had desert wanderers and prisoners. Today we have sailors on ships and “fools through their sinful ways” (v. 17).

I’ve never sailed much nor spent much desert time nor been in prison, but I can relate to those fools in their sinful ways – suffering affliction and crying out to the Lord in my distress. And I can surely relate to the Lord’s deliverance. How could I be where I am today without His deliverance, His forgiveness, His guidance, His love?! All the psalmist asks is that we …thank the LORD for His steadfast love… and that we …offer sacrifices of thanksgiving… (vv. 21, 22). That’s not much to ask!

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  1. By always thanking our Lord for His love, His gifts, His life-giving salvation we humble ourselves before Him acknowledging He IS our Lord and God. This practice helps me remember who really is in charge. (And it’s not me!)

  2. What with the recent devastations brought by hurricane Ian, I couldn’t help but particularly notice Psalm 107:25-27. The ESV translates the last phrase of v. 27 as “they [i.e., the people experiencing the storm] …were at their wits’ end.” But the ESV also has a footnote that indicates that the Hebrew really says “…and all their wisdom was swallowed up.” And given our recent study of Proverbs, I think that bears thinking about. If you think the Army Corps of Engineers has flood control all figured out, well… If you think structural engineers have building codes all figured out so that buildings don’t collapse, well… If you think that civil engineers know how to build bridges and causeways to withstand whatever is thrown at them, well… Indeed, acts of God can certainly demonstrate how our wisdom is “swallowed up”.

    Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble,
    and he delivered them from their distress.
    He made the storm be still,
    and the waves of the sea were hushed.
    Then they were glad that the waters were quiet,
    and he brought them to their desired haven.
    Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love,
    for his wondrous works to the children of man!
    (v. 28-31)

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