October 17 / Psalm 119:17-32

Psalm 119:17-32

Psalm 119, Day 2. I noted yesterday that each of the 22 stanzas in this Psalm highlights a particular letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Today’s letter for verses 17-24 is “Gimel”; each of these eight verses begins with the letter “Gimel” in the Hebrew alphabet. For verses 25-32 the beginning letter for each of the verses is “Daleth”.

Scripture can open our eyes, even when we read it wrong: Take away from me scorn and contempt for I have kept Your testimonies. Even though princes sit plotting against me, Your servant will meditate on Your statutes. (vv. 22-23) Here the psalmist appears to have enemies, even enemies in high places, yet his focus remains on the Lord and His statutes. But when I quickly read this verse, the first seven words spoke to me: Take away from me scorn and contempt… I have known for some time that I have a problem with being judgmental – evaluating people from my perspective and not seeing them as God sees them, not knowing where they’re coming from or what the issues are in their lives. Mostly I’m not at a “scorn and contempt” level, but little sin or big sin, it’s still sin!

Verse 26a also spoke to me on my first read through today’s verses. Now it also seems to reply directly to what I wrote immediately above: When I told of my ways, You answered me… If I read “my ways” as that “scorn and contempt” sin in my life, then that verse speaks directly to confession. Acknowledging our wrongs before the Lord is the beginning of our repentance. His answer then, is His forgiveness and His offer of healing and new life. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

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