October 20 / Psalm 119:65-80

Psalm 119:65-80

Psalm 119, Day 5. The following phrase appears twice today: “…those who fear You…” (Ps. 119:74,79). Applying this Psalm to today’s world, I see “those who fear You” as believers. And I can see those two verses as very separate in time. That is, verse 74 can be the joy that older believers feel when someone new comes to the Lord: Those who fear You shall see me and rejoice, because I have hoped in Your word. Then verse 79 points to a later time when this new believer has matured in the Lord and has become a resource him/herself for other new believers: Let those who fear You turn to me, that they may know Your testimonies. I daresay that this is the truth for each of us. At some point we began to walk with the Lord at some “higher level” and, no doubt, there was someone or some group of believers rejoicing over us as they watched us grow. And now we’ve moved on, we’ve grown, and others look to us for leadership. That’s the way of the Christian life. It’s what discipleship is all about!!

(Please understand that this meandering of mine is not an interpretation, just my own reflecting. It’s what we need to do with Psalm 119.)

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