October 28 / Psalm 121

Psalm 121

A second “Song of Ascents”. There are a number of very familiar verses in this short Psalm – for me, verses 1-4, 6, 8. I am particularly fond of verse 4: Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. It’s comforting to know that our God is a 100% God. Part of His eternal nature is that, for us, He is a 24/7 God. I say “for us” in that “time” is a concept that we apply for ourselves that does not constrain God in any way! All of our four kids did Study Abroad semesters or other time in Europe on their own. I remember saying that God could watch over them in Europe better than Carol and I could watch over them in our basement. He is always “awake” for me, for you, and for those you love. Sweet!

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