October 28 / I Peter 5:6-14

I Peter 5:6-14 As we were finishing Paul’s letters a couple of weeks ago, some of Paul’s last written words included a positive affirmation of Barnabas’ cousin, Mark. Now at the end of I Peter, we see Peter sending greetings that included Mark – a reflection of his own affection for Mark. My Study Bible …

October 27 / I Peter 5:1-5

I Peter 5:1-5 Peter gives us a novel triad construction, using the word “not”: …not under compulsion, but willingly, … not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering, … but being examples to the flock… (vv. 2b-3) Peter has addressed these restrictions to “elders”, typically referring to church leaders. That reference notwithstanding, I have always …

October 26 / I Peter 4:12-19

I Peter 4:12-19 Although Peter has been talking about suffering all along in this epistle, today’s reading is his strongest message on suffering. He says it all: He ties our sufferings to Jesus’ sufferings (v. 13); he expects that we will be reviled for the sake of the name of Jesus (v. 14); and he …

October 24 / I Peter 3:13-22

I Peter 3:13-22 Somehow I got distracted and completely forgot to post yesterday – really surprisingly, in fact, because I had already put together some comments in my mind. So, a day late… …having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to …

October 23 / I Peter 3:1-12

I Peter 3:1-12 I have long imagined that Peter had read some of Paul’s letters and that some of the topics that he covered had come from those letters. We see that today in Peter’s comments directed to wives and husbands (vv. 1-7), with six verses directed to wives and only one verse directed to …

October 22 / I Peter 2:18-25

I Peter 2:18-25 I had mentioned a few days ago that Peter often discusses persecution in this epistle. And true to form, in today’s reading the word “suffer” is mentioned four times, twice with respect to Christians suffering and twice recalling Jesus’ sufferings. But that’s a nice connection for Peter to make. Many (most?) scholars …

October 21 / I Peter 2:11-17

I Peter 2:11-17 Peter makes a number of comments in today’s reading about Christian behavior. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. (v. 12) Here’s a second, related verse: …by doing good …

October 20 / I Peter 2:1-10

I Peter 2:1-10 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk… (v. 2a) Carol and I are fortunate to have a “newborn infant” living just across the driveway from our house. We see Rachel and Audra together quite often. It is absolutely clear to Rachel (and to us) when that newborn infant is longing …

October 19 / I Peter 1:17-25

I Peter 1:17-25 …knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers… (v. 18a, ESV, NASB) Scholars have argued back and forth as to whom this letter from Peter was addressed – specifically as to whether the recipients were primarily Gentile Christians or Jewish Christians. The NKJV was the translation that …