October 26 / Exodus 34

Exodus 34 Dear RTB’ers, We first saw the Ten Commandments back in Exodus 20. Today God gives Moses another set of rules for the Israelites to follow, with only two of the original ten included – not seeking other gods (vv. 12-17, Exodus 20:3-4) and honoring the Sabbath (v. 21, Exodus 20:8-11). In addition God …

October 25 / Exodus 33

Exodus 33 Dear RTB’ers, We mentioned this “cleft rock” incident a few chapters ago and today we see it in context. Moses, again, seems to be looking for affirmation from the Lord that He will go with them and that He has chosen Moses to lead His people: For how shall it be known that …

October 24 / Exodus 32

Exodus 32 Dear RTB’ers, I am touched by Moses’ leadership in this “golden calf” incident. First, when he sees God’s anger, he implores Him not to destroy the people for what they have done. But Moses implored the LORD his God and said, …“Turn from Your burning anger and relent from this disaster against Your …

October 23 / Exodus 30-31

Exodus 30-31 Dear RTB’ers, A number of topics today. I’m struck at God’s naming of two people, Bezalel and Oholiab, as skilled craftsmen to be put in charge of all the detail work on the tabernacle and its contents. Occasionally we sing “He knows My Name” and we believe it, but it’s quite another for …

October 22 / Exodus 29

Exodus 29 Dear RTB’ers, I counted the word “offering” sixteen times in today’s reading. What kinds of offerings? Sin offerings, burnt offerings, food offerings, wave offerings, peace offerings, drink offerings, grain offerings. If you can keep track of all those, you are a Biblical scholar! I could not find a way to shorten the ending …

October 21 / Exodus 28

Exodus 28 Dear RTB’ers, And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty. For Aaron’s sons you shall make coats and sashes and caps. You shall make them for glory and beauty. (v. 2, repeated in v. 40) For glory and for beauty… To reflect God’s glory and the …

October 20 / Exodus 26-27

Exodus 26-27 Dear RTB’ers, I should have posted this yesterday – if you are up to date we have hit a stride that gets a bit difficult. To this point in Genesis and Exodus we have been doing mostly history with only a few genealogies mixed in. Now we are reading God’s instructions to Moses …

October 19 / Exodus 25

Exodus 25 Dear RTB’ers, Today and for the next many chapters Moses is on the mountain with God receiving instructions for the building of the tabernacle and sanctuary and many other assorted items. These the Israelites will carry with them during their forty years of wilderness wandering. Today we read of articles that will be …

October 18 / Exodus 22:20-24:18

Exodus 22:20-24:18 Dear RTB’ers, As I noted to you yesterday, I incorrectly read and commented yesterday only through 22:19, not 23:19 according to our schedule. So I am beginning today with 22:20 and moving forward to the end of chapter 24. Today’s modified reading covers four topics – first, many “Thou shalt not…” commands; second, …

October 17 / Exodus 21:33-22:19

Exodus 21:33-22:19 Dear RTB’ers, Sorry folks, today’s assignment should have been though 23:19, but I unwittingly stopped short – a continuing illness-induced brain fog. I’ll pick up with 22:20 tomorrow. There are two “Thou shalt not…” commands (Ex. 22:18-19) in today’s reading, direct orders from God. The rest of today’s reading is a set of …