January 9 / Acts 2:40-47

Acts 2:40-47 My Study Bible pointed out the likelihood of two different meanings to “breaking bread”. Verse 42 has And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. The likely meaning here is their regular Eucharistic celebration, possibly in the temple area or in some …

January 6 / Acts 2:14-21

Acts 2:14-21 Peter quoting the prophet Joel… A couple of things come to mind. First, Joel is writing more than 500 years (maybe even 800-900 years) before Jesus’ birth and is predicting the coming of the Spirit. I wonder what Joel’s contemporaries thought Joel had in mind. Were they wondering, what is this “Spirit” thing? …

January 3 / Acts 1:15-26

Acts 1:15-26 An add-on from yesterday: “…and His brothers.” (v. 14b) This is the first mention of Jesus’ brothers being counted among His followers. Presumably His death and Resurrection had won them over? This choice of Matthias to be the 12th… Somewhere else, probably in a sermon somewhere, it was pointed out to me that …

January 1 / Acts 1:1-8

Acts 1:1-8 RTB 2020!! Welcome to RTB 2020!! I just could not not post…!! He presented Himself alive to them after His suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days… (v. 3a) The phrase, “…by many proofs…” struck me. Luke recounts his long story of two disciples meeting Jesus on the road to …

January 2020 Readings

Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Jan Acts 1:1-8 8 02-Jan Acts 1:9-14 6 03-Jan Acts 1:15-26 12 04-Jan Acts 2:1-4 4 05-Jan Acts 2:5-13 9 06-Jan Acts 2:14-21 8 07-Jan Acts 2:22-28 7 08-Jan Acts 2:29-39 11 09-Jan Acts 2:40-47 8 10-Jan Acts 3:1-10 10 11-Jan Acts 3:11-26 17 12-Jan Acts 4:1-4 4 13-Jan Acts 4:5-12 8 …