John 17:20-26 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” I couldn’t possibly post today without commenting on this first verse: I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word… (v. 20) I can well remember the delight I felt when …
Author Archives: Fred
November 10 / John 17:6-19
John 17:6-19 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” Jesus’ “High Priestly Prayer”, in three readings… Now they know that everything that You have given Me is from You. For I have given them the words that You gave Me… (vv. 7-8a) I read this first verse and wondered at …
November 9 / John 17:1-5
John 17:1-5 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” Jesus’ “High Priestly Prayer”, in three readings… The word “glory”, with its extensions occurs five times in these five verses and three more times in this chapter. I’ve always wondered at “glory”, so I looked it up. “Glory” has “honor”, “prestige”, …
November 8 / John 16:25-33
John 16:25-33 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” I have said these things to you in figures of speech. The hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figures of speech but will tell you plainly about the Father. (v. 25) I wondered about the …
November 7 / John 16:16-24
John 16:16-24 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” I keep thinking about the phrase, “…in My name”. Jesus speaks that phrase twice in today’s reading and once more later in the chapter. In addition He spoke it once in Chapter 15 and three more times in Chapter 14. Six …
November 6 / John 16:1-15
John 16:1-15 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” Today we have a fourth “Holy Spirit” section from John 14-16, and it’s loaded with more information items about the Holy Spirit and His work in the world. Everything from verses 7 to 14 is Holy Spirit focus! Let’s unpack it …
November 5 / John 15:18-27
John 15:18-27 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” Today we have a third “Holy Spirit” section from John 14-16. We learn three more information items about the Holy Spirit, all in John 15:26: Jesus says earlier in that verse that He will send the Holy Spirit “…from the Father…”, …
November 4 / John 15:9-17
John 15:9-17 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” A few days ago (October 26) I commented quite a bit on the following two verses: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By …
November 3 / John 15:1-8
John 15:1-8 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” Today’s reading: Jesus as the True Vine… The word “vine” (Jesus) appears four times in these eight verses; the word “branch” (us) appears six times; the word “fruit” appears eight times. Jesus is directing His words to His disciples – and …
November 2 / John 14:25-31
John 14:25-31 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” The second “Holy Spirit” section in John 14-16… But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. (v. …