Mark 10:1-16 Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” So yesterday I was cutting the Pharisees some slack, imagining that their “testing” of Jesus was consistent with their need to eliminate false messiahs. Today my Study Bible suggests otherwise, that this particular testing was meant to be hurtful. Verse 1 …
Author Archives: Fred
August 5 / Matt. 19:1-15
Matthew 19:1-15 Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” Some time ago Carol shared what she had learned about the Pharisees “testing” Jesus just the same as they would test anyone who claimed to be the Messiah. In so doing, they were trying to weed out the false messiahs. So …
August 4 / Luke 18:1-14
Luke 18:1-14 Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (v. 8b) I’m sure that throughout history people have quoted this verse and added their own comments reflecting how little faith Jesus would find in their time if …
August 3 / Luke 17:20-37
Luke 17:20-37 Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” The “Kingdom of God” and the “days of the Son of Man”… Two concepts, quite distinct in time and place. Jesus told the Pharisees that the “Kingdom of God” was within their midst. He may have meant Himself, that he represented …
August 2 / Luke 17:11-19
Luke 17:11-19 Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” As I read today’s selection, I can easily call to mind words that I’ve known by heart for years: “Were not the ten made clean? Where are the other nine?” (v. 17) But I don’t recall ever noticing that the tenth …
August 1 / Luke 17:1-10
Luke 17:1-10 Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty. Welcome home, Debbie!! “Notice what you notice.” Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? (v. 9) Translations can have similar meanings, but different emphases. The line above is from the ESV. Here’s the NASB, spoken as a statement-question combination, a bit …
August 2019 Readings
Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Aug Luke 17:1-10 10 02-Aug Luke 17:11-19 9 03-Aug Luke 17:20-37 18 04-Aug Luke 18:1-14 14 05-Aug Matt. 19:1-15 15 06-Aug Mark 10:1-16 16 07-Aug Luke 18:15-17 3 08-Aug Matt. 19:16-30 15 09-Aug Mark 10:17-31 15 10-Aug Luke 18:18-30 13 11-Aug Matt. 20:1-16 16 12-Aug John 10:22-42 11 13-Aug John 11:1-16 16 …
July 31 / Matt. 18:21-35
Matthew 18:21-35 Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty – Debbie and Julie too (arriving home today)! “Notice what you notice.” First point, a numbers thing – my Study Bible said that one talent was worth 20 years wages for a laborer. So 10,000 talents would be worth 10,000 x 20 x 365 denarii, …
July 30 / Matt. 18:15-20
Matthew 18:15-20 Let’s remember to pray for Jim and Marty – Debbie and Julie too (leaving today, coming home tomorrow)! “Notice what you notice.” It seems like I’m running into a lot of confusing statements these days. Today is another. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they …
July 29 / Luke 16:19-31
Luke 16:19-31 Let’s continue to remember to pray for Jim and Marty – Debbie and Julie too (coming home Wednesday)! “Notice what you notice.” This story is so familiar to me that it’s hard to see something new. But there is one thing that I’ve always wondered. Is Jesus telling us in this story of …