February 10 / Matthew 8:14-17

Matthew 8:14-17 “Notice what you notice.” If we were reading through our Chronological Bibles four or five pages at a time, we’d might never have noticed that we jumped from chapter 4 in Matthew to chapter 8. Essentially we skipped the Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7) plus a few verses before and after. Both Mark …

February 9 / Luke 4:31-37

Luke 4:31-37 “Notice what you notice.” So again we have back-to-back narratives, this time between Mark and Luke. There are only a few differences to note: Mark refers to a man with an unclean spirit (Mark 1:23) while Luke refers to a man who had the spirit of an unclean demon (Luke 4:33), the difference …

February 8 / Mark 1:21-28

Mark 1:21-28 “Notice what you notice.” It has always struck me how Mark seems to move around so quickly and that his writing is so “to the point”. In Chapter 1 Jesus goes from His baptism to the wilderness to the calling of the four, all in twelve verses, then on to His first miracle, …

February 7 / Luke 4:14-30

Luke 4:14-30 “Notice what you notice.” I’m really glad that I did yesterday’s chronological, geographical foray into Jesus early ministry and to have John S.’s helpful, corrective comments therein. That yesterday’s post and comments were timely was borne out in my NASB Study Bible comment on verse 16, And He came to Nazareth… The footnote …

February 6 / Mark 1:14-20

Mark 1:14-20 “Notice what you notice.” When we read the Synoptics’ accounts of the same event, we tend to go back and forth and see what is similar and what is different in their accounts. I couldn’t help but notice one major difference in Mark’s calling of the four disciples compared to Matthew’s – Zebedee, …

February 5 / Matthew 4:12-22

Matthew 4:12-22 “Notice what you notice.” Yeah, I’m fascinated by the chronology and the geography – and even more so when we see the four Gospels harmonizing together in our Chronological Bibles. But I just got whapped by something. A few days ago when Jesus was with the woman at the well and His disciples …

February 4 / John 4:39-45

John 4:39-45 “Notice what you notice.” Again, John’s chronology… John has Jesus staying two days in Samaria – and he mentions it twice! (vv. 40, 43) Very specific! And then, geographically correct, Jesus continued north to Galilee. Beyond that, I’m struck at the Samaritans’ belief. A stranger comes to town, has a revealing interchange with …

February 3 / John 4:27-38

John 4:27-38 “Notice what you notice.” I had one item from yesterday that I had noticed, but forgot to mention (I’m out of my routine when I’m traveling). Jesus told the woman about her past and the woman replied, Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet (verse 19). She didn’t reply to Jesus’ comment, …

February 2 / John 4:15-26

John 4:15-26 “Notice what you notice.” This chapter is probably the longest personal discourse that Jesus had with anyone that is recorded in the Gospels. So naturally there is so much that has already been said and so much more that could still be said. But what I noticed is verses 23 and 24, But …

February 1 / John 4:1-14

John 4:1-14 “Notice what you notice.” I remain intrigued by the care John takes in his geographical and chronological narrative. He begins chapter 4 pretty much right where he left off in chapter 3. He notes that Jesus left Judea and headed to Galilee by way of Samaria only after He heard that the Pharisees …