March 1 / Luke 17:1-19

Luke 17:1-19 Dear RTB’ers, And [Jesus] said to him, “Stand up and go; your faith has made you well.” (Luke 17:19) Jesus spoke these words to the Samaritan leper who had been cleansed. It had been faith in Jesus’ ability to heal him that had made him well: And as they were going, they were …

March 2024 Readings

Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Mar Luke 17:1-19 19 02-Mar Luke 17:20-37 18 03-Mar Luke 18:1-17 17 04-Mar Luke 18:18-34 17 05-Mar Luke 18:35-19:10 19 06-Mar Luke 19:11-28 18 07-Mar Genesis 27:1-45 45 08-Mar Genesis 27:46-28:22 23 09-Mar Genesis 29:1-30 30 10-Mar Genesis 29:31-30:43 48 11-Mar Genesis 31:1-32:2 57 12-Mar Genesis 32:3-32 30 13-Mar Genesis 33 20 …

February 29 / Luke 16:14-31

Luke 16:14-31 Dear RTB’ers, Today, the rich man and Lazarus. My Study Bible had an interesting comment on this “rich man and Lazarus” passage. That comment begins, “If this is a parable…”. I had always read or heard this passage as a parable, but there is no indication in Luke that Jesus is speaking a …

February 28 / Luke 16:1-13

Luke 16:1-13 Dear RTB’ers, I’ve often said that Luke is my favorite gospel. Part of that is his historical bent and his desire to “get it right” (Luke 1:1-4). But I’m sure it’s also because of his focus on money and his concern for the poor and my own life as an economist. Today’s readings …

February 27 / Luke 15

Luke 15 Dear RTB’ers, Today, three parables. The first of these, the Lost Sheep is also included in Matthew’s gospel, but the other two you’ll find only in Luke. When Jesus is recounting parables to His listeners, he is actually making up stories. Yet His stories have stood the test of time. The Prodigal Son …

February 26 / Luke 14:25-35

Luke 14:25-35 Dear RTB’ers, Jesus speaking to a great crowd: Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after Me cannot be my disciple. (v. 27) We’ve all heard sermons as to what Jesus means by each of us bearing our own cross. I can’t say even now that I understand what Jesus means …

February 25 / Luke 14:1-24

Luke 14:1-24 Dear RTB’ers, But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, …

February 24 / Luke 13:18-35

Luke 13:18-35 Dear RTB’ers, He went on His way through towns and villages, teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem. (Luke 13:22) Almost a month ago we saw that Jesus had set His face toward Jerusalem. (Luke 9:51) My Study Bible noted that He is now in a region known as Perea, a narrow strip of land …

February 23 / Luke 13:1-17

Luke 13:1-17 Dear RTB’ers, Jesus speaking: “No, I tell you, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” (Luke 12:3,5) It’s a small thing, but I can’t recall any other incidents in the gospels where Jesus message is “repent”. He often speaks of “the Kingdom” and He has various ways where He speaks of …

February 22 / Luke 12:35-59

Luke 12:35-59 Dear RTB’ers, “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.”(v. 48b) There is two-step expectation here, “given much” and “entrusted much”. If you’ve been given much, yes, much will be required. But being “entrusted with much” …