Psalm 47 Psalm 47 is purely a psalm of thanksgiving and praise. One Study Bible noted that it was probably written during one of the periods of a strong monarchy, very possibly during King David’s rule. Verse 5 even suggests that it could have been written soon after David brought the ark up from the …
Author Archives: Fred
April 21 / Psalm 46
Psalm 46 Be still, and know that I am God. (v. 10a)
April 20 / Psalm 45:10-17
Psalm 45:10-17 Psalm 45 confuses me as to its application both to the wedding of a king and to the Messiah. As I read the entire Psalm it works well as referring to the wedding of a king – possibly written for a particular king’s wedding, but then used for any time that a king …
April 19 / Psalm 45:1-9
Psalm 45:1-9 Capitalized pronouns… Both the NKJV and the NASB capitalize “You” and “Your” in today’s reading. But as we read through most of these verses, it sounds more like the writer is speaking to (or of) his earthly king, possibly David or one of David’s descendants. Verses 6 and 7a could clearly be spoken …
April 18 / Psalm 44:17-26
Psalm 44:17-26 Two days ago, after reading the first eight verses of Psalm 44, I posted “…it’s all good, the writer recalling Israel’s past glory. It’s all remembrance, thanksgiving, confidence and praise…”. Then yesterday was just the opposite: “…the writer is … leveling the blame at God” for his situation. Blaming God, angry at God. …
April 17 / Psalm 44:9-16
Psalm 44:9-16 Continuing the Psalm 44 lament. Today’s reading is like none other that we have read in the Psalms. Yes, the writer is recounting his situation that brings out the lament, but he is leveling the blame at God for that situation. In six of today’s eight verses the psalmist is angry at God …
April 16 / Psalm 44:1-8
Psalm 44:1-8 From today’s reading it may not look like it, but Psalm 44 is a lament. You’ll see in tomorrow’s reading that Israel’s foes have overtaken them – at least some tribes or portions of the land have been overrun. So the whole Psalm is a lament with all its elements – the psalmists’ …
April 15 / Psalm 43
Psalm 43 Recall that today’s reading, Psalm 43 continues the lament that began in Psalm 42. In today’s first two verses the psalmist speaks of an ungodly nation, an unjust man, and the oppression of the enemy. Since the psalmist likely lives in the far north of Palestine, one wonders if the enemy, that “ungodly …
April 14 / Psalm 42
Psalm 42 Two Study Bibles pointed out that Psalms 42-43 are clearly one Psalm, but for some reason they have been split up in the Psalter. (See Ps. 42:5,11 today and Ps. 43:5 tomorrow.) Again, Study Bible information… The heading, “…to the Sons of Korah” and the geographical names in verse 6 suggest that this …
April 13 / Psalm 41
Psalm 41 I was struck by the benefits accorded a person who gives to the poor – s/he is blessed, delivered, protected, praised, defended, sustained, and healed. (vv. 1-3) Makes me think that we should be doing more… David ties his sin and his illness together in verse 4. Shades of Job’s friends…! But this …