January 9 / Psalm 9:1-10

Psalm 9:1-10 Today is the first day that we are breaking up a longer Psalm into two reading days. I’ve been using a breakpoint of 18 to 20 verses; for the most part any Psalm at that length or longer I’ve split into shorter sections and more reading days. Naturally you can read the entire …

January 8 / Psalm 8

Psalm 8 No doubt Psalm 23 is the favorite for millions, maybe even billions of Christians worldwide, but inexperienced and unknowledgeable as I am in the Psalms, today’s reading, Psalm 8 is my favorite. It struck me early in my Bible reading and continues each time I read it anew. David begins by ascribing glory …

January 2 / Psalm 2

Psalm 2 At St. Andrew’s the Bible translation that we mostly use is the English Standard Version (ESV). For me, however, my favorite Bible translation is the New American Standard Bible (NASB). Naturally others may favor the old English language in the King James Version (KJV) or a more academic Revised Standard Version (RSV) or …