Psalm 19:1-6 Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. (v. 4a) I’ve read these words many times – actually, surprisingly in each of the past two years! Paul quotes this verse verbatim in Romans 10:18. In the Psalm David applies these words to the heavens …
Author Archives: Fred
January 23 / Psalm 18:46-50
Psalm 18:46-50 The LORD lives… (v. 1a) The very beginning of today’s verses struck me. The Lord does, indeed, live – among us, within us. Where would we be without Him being! The Lord spoke to Moses at the burning bush and told him that His name was “I AM”. At Freedom Road a couple …
January 22 / Psalm 18:37-45
Psalm 18:37-45 We have a term in our vernacular, the “presidential plural”, where a single speaker says “we” instead of “I” when speaking to an audience. It seems less boastful to say that a team has accomplished an activity rather than just one person doing the work. In today’s reading we see just the opposite. …
January 21 / Psalm 18:25-36
Psalm 18:25-36 Yesterday I noted that today David is moving from a focus on himself to bring in the rest of us. We see that particularly in today’s first three verses, almost an aside from the flow of the Psalm. Then the next nine verses, if we can stay with the “us” joining David in …
January 20 / Psalm 18:16-24
Psalm 18:16-24 As we follow the whole of Psalm 18 and not just the verses that are on our reading schedule we see that our reading yesterday was all about David’s enemies and their activities (not to be taken literally), then today’s verses are about David, himself, and tomorrow’s reading will focus on others – …
January 19 / Psalm 18:1-15
Psalm 18:1-15 Today’s Psalm 18 is 50 verses long. Breaking it down into smaller chunks is not an easy task. I made the first break at verse 15. Following his introduction and plea for help in the first six verses, David describes the Lord’s intervention in dreamlike, visionary terms (not likely to be taken literally) …
January 18 / Psalm 17
Psalm 17 Baby-sitting, so a very short post today… I have avoided the ways of the violent. My steps have held fast to Your paths; my feet have not slipped. (vv. 4b-5) My immediate thought as I read through these verses was that if I were able to avoid the violent and stay on God’s …
January 17 / Psalm 16
Psalm 16 A portion of today’s reading is well known to many of us. Peter quotes verses 8-11 verbatim in Acts 2:25-28 when speaking to the crowd after the Holy Spirit landed on the apostles at Pentecost. Paul also quotes verse 10b: And as for the fact that He raised Him from the dead, no …
January 16 / Psalm 15
Psalm 15 For the first time in many days we don’t have David or any other psalmist crying out about his enemies or asking God for His deliverance. Today’s psalm is about “the righteous” (though they are not exactly named as such). I like to consider myself as among “the righteous”, along with the rest …
January 15 / Psalm 14
Psalm 14 Have they no knowledge, all the evildoers who … do not call upon the LORD? (v. 4) David is speaking these first words sarcastically, I think, Have they no knowledge…? Surely everyone has knowledge of God! Paul says this in Romans 1:19-22, For what can be known about God is plain to them, …