Acts 9:1-19 Father David often spoke of “God’s echo”, where we hear the same “message” two or three times in a short time frame. It’s probably no coincidence that our Men’s Group is focusing on the Holy Spirit at the same time that our RTNT group is reading Acts. As I mentioned a few days …
Author Archives: Fred
July 9 / Acts 8:1-40
Acts 8:1-40 Although we are all Christian witnesses, we typically think of missionaries as those who have gone off to a foreign land to witness and to share the gospel. Under that categorization, then Philip becomes the first “named” Christian missionary: Philip went down to the city of Samaria and proclaimed to them the Christ. …
July 8 / Acts 7:39-60
Acts 7:39-60 …and they set up false witnesses who said, “This man never ceases to speak words against this holy place and the law, for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and will change the customs that Moses delivered to us. (Acts 6:13-14) Stephen had been debating/preaching …
July 7 / Acts 7:1-38
Acts 7:1-38 There is no good break point in this chapter short of reading the entire chapter. Breaks at verse 34, 36 and 38 are all reasonable. Or read on to the end…!! At this time Moses was born; and … Pharaoh’s daughter adopted him and brought him up as her own son. (vv. 20-21) …
July 6 / Acts 6:1-15
Acts 6:1-15 Finally, today a shorter reading…! I mentioned a few days ago that we have a number of “transition” sections and verses in Acts. Here we have two: Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number…; And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied …
July 5 / Acts 5:1-42
Last year we covered today’s reading over a five-day period, so I have a number of comments in the links below from reading this chapter in shorter segments. I am not fond of physical pain so I wince at the thought of the apostles’ being “beaten” (v. 40, ESV). My NASB Study Bible uses the …
July 4 / Acts 4:1-37
Acts 4:1-37 Today we continue with yesterday’s reading and my comments from yesterday are fully applicable today. Back then (46 years ago) I was truly struck when I first read about Peter and John, these …uneducated, common men… (v. 13b) speaking boldly before the Sanhedrin. I knew a lot about Jesus, but I knew little …
July 3 / Acts 3:1-26
I’m sure some of you have heard me say that Luke is my favorite gospel. But I doubt that many of you have heard me say that Acts is my favorite book in the Bible – not surprising in that Luke also authored Acts! But I can recall my first time reading through the book …
July 2 / Acts 2:1-47
Acts 2:1-47 It was just last year (2020) that we read Acts and the Epistles together as we had the Gospels in 2019, averaging ten or eleven verses per day. So last year we read today’s 47 verses over a five-day span. (See my five days’ worth of comments in the links below.) So with …
July 1 / Acts 1:1-26
Acts 1:1-26 And now we leave the Gospels and move to the book of Acts – referred to occasionally as the “Book of Acts”, the “Acts of the Apostles”, and my favorite, the “Acts of the Holy Spirit”! I looked online and saw two references that listed 56 and 57 occurrences of the Holy Spirit …