John 14:12-31 Our Men’s Group last night watched Archbishop Foley Beach’s “Three Streams” talk on the Holy Spirit, the Spirit stream in our Three Streams heritage. In his talk he quoted our verses 16 and 17 today: And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, …
Author Archives: Fred
June 1 / John 14:1-11
John 14:1-11 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (v. 6) I have quoted this verse often, especially in the context of non-Christians’ eternal destination, as in “What about people who have never heard the Gospel?” or “Will Ghandi …
June 2021 Readings
Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Jun John 14:1-11 14 02-Jun John 14:12-31 20 03-Jun John 15:1-27 27 04-Jun John 16:1-33 33 05-Jun John 17:1-26 26 06-Jun Matt. 26:36-56 21 07-Jun Mark 14:32-52 21 08-Jun Luke 22:39-53 15 09-Jun John 18:1-27 27 10-Jun Matt. 26:57-75 19 11-Jun Mark 14:53-72 20 12-Jun Luke 22:54-71 18 13-Jun Matt. 27:1-26 26 …
May 31 / Matt. 26:30-35, Mark 14:26-31, Luke 22:31-38
Matthew 26:30-35, Mark 14:26-31, and Luke 22:31-38 With today’s readings about Jesus foretelling Peter’s denial, the Synoptic writers end the Last Supper. The next readings in these three Gospels have Jesus and the disciples at Gethsemane. John also covers Peter’s denial at the end of his chapter 13. I commented on that yesterday. Although the …
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May 30 / John 13:18-38
John 13:18-38 In verse 33b Jesus says, “Where I am going you cannot come.” Then He says those two verses on “a new commandment” and “love one another”. But in verse 36 Peter comes right back to “Lord, where are you going?” One wonders if Peter even heard Jesus speaking of “a new commandment” and …
May 29 / John 13:1-17
John 13:1-17 Archbishop Beach today (slightly edited): …self-help, self-image, self-actualization … self-denial! Abp. Beach’s words ring true with today’s reading. Jesus doesn’t talk about self-denial in washing His disciples’ feet, but He clearly demonstrates it! If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. (v. …
May 28 / Luke 22:1-30
Luke 22:1-30 I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you… (v. 15) Yes, there is an ending to this verse that I left off: …before I suffer. But I did that intentionally; it struck me personally that Jesus also desires to eat this Passover meal with US, with each of us, at the …
May 27 / Mark 14:1-25
Matthew 14:1-25 And as they were reclining at table and eating, Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me, one who is eating with Me.” They began to be sorrowful and to say to Him one after another, “Is it I?” (vv. 18-19) I find it strange, but (surprisingly) altogether …
May 26 / Matt. 26:1-29
Matthew 26:1-29 In the second link below I wrote two years ago that we had almost two months to go through Jesus’ last day, from Thursday evening to Friday late afternoon. This year we are reading twice as much per day, but it will still be almost a full month from today until His resurrection. …
May 25 / John 12:20-50
John 12:20-50 Yesterday’s three readings from the Synoptic Gospels and today’s reading from John all end at the end of a chapter. The next chapter in each of the four Gospels is Maundy Thursday, the Last Supper – with a couple of other incidents reported in Matthew and Mark before the actual Passover meal. So …