Luke 10:13-42 RTNT 2021. HAPPY EASTER!! Hallelujah, He is Risen!! Blessings from our Risen Lord on you and yours!! GLORY!! A mix of four topics in today’s reading – woes, the 70 returning, the Good Samaritan, and Martha and Mary – just so we could get to the end of the chapter. Not a good …
Author Archives: Fred
April 3 / Luke 9:51-62, 10:1-12
Luke 9:51-62, 10:1-12 And He sent messengers ahead of Him, who went and entered a village of the Samaritans, to make preparations for Him. But the people did not receive Him, because His face was set toward Jerusalem. (Luke 9:52-53) I commented on this verse two years ago, but it was about Jesus’ “setting His …
April 2 / Matt. 8:18-22,11:20-30
Matthew 8:18-22, 11:20-30 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Mt. 11:28-29) I thought of these verses on Wednesday evening as …
April 1 / John 10:1-21
John 10:1-21 And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. (v. 16) Earlier we read about the Syrophoenician woman who had asked Jesus to heal her daughter. (Matthew 15:21-28) At that time …
April 2021 Readings
Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Apr John 10:1-21 21 02-Apr Matt. 8:18-22,11:20-30 16 03-Apr Luke 9:51-62, 10:1-12 24 04-Apr Luke 10:13-42 30 05-Apr Luke 11:37-54 18 06-Apr Luke 12:1-21 21 07-Apr Luke 12:35-59 25 08-Apr Luke 13:1-17 17 09-Apr Luke 13:22-35 14 10-Apr Luke 14:1-14 14 11-Apr Luke 14:15-35 21 12-Apr Matt. 18:10-14, Luke 15:1-10 15 13-Apr …
March 31 / John 9:24-41
John 9:24-41 The formerly blind man speaking to the Pharisees: “Whether He is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” (v. 25) The last half of that verse is a strong statement. Essentially the man is saying, “I may not know everything, but …
March 30 / John 9:1-23
John 9:1-23 …those who had seen him before as a beggar… (v.8b) Small point, maybe… This blind man was a beggar, not surprisingly in this 1st-century world. But it struck me that his parents were still alive (vv. 18, ff.) – why were they not responsible for his upkeep? Maybe it depends on the man’s …
March 29 / John 8:37-59
John 8:37-59 I have said before that I regularly try to insert myself into these Bible incidents. Today (as a bystander) I find myself consistently sympathetic to the Jewish leaders. Jesus is speaking words that they’ve never heard before. He is making claims about His Father, God, that sound outrageous – even blasphemous to them. …
March 28 / John 8:12-36
John 8:12-36 You judge according to the flesh… (v. 15a) I’m wondering about Jesus’ words for today’s society. I’m thinking of the context of same-sex relationships and “transgender” issues. I think of what Jesus might say to people today who support and affirm same-sex and transgender issues, “You are looking at these issues from a …
March 27 / John 7:53-8:11
John 7:43-8:11 The woman caught in adultery… Today’s reading is one of the shortest that we’ll have all year. It is also an incident that is not included in most of the earliest manuscripts. But to me it’s one of the most powerful of all of Jesus’ activities. It shows His wisdom, His empathy, His …