September 12 / Zechariah 7-8; Ezra 5:2-6:22; Daniel 6

Zechariah 7-8; Ezra 5:2-6:22; Daniel 6 Today Zechariah returns to a more “conventional” prophetic style. Some people come to Zechariah with a question about fasting, and the LORD responds with questions of His own: When you fasted and mourned in the fifth month and in the seventh, for these seventy years, was it for Me …

September 11 / Zechariah 1-6

Zechariah 1-6 A contemporary of Haggai, Zechariah starts prophesying just a couple of month’s into Haggai’s recorded ministry. Like Haggai, Zechariah encourages Joshua and Zerubbabel to rebuild the Temple, but the form of Zechariah’s prophecy is radically different from Haggai’s — and much more Messianic. Zechariah’s opening statement is straightforward enough, sounding much like other …

September 10 / Ezra 3:1-4:5; 4:24-5:1; Haggai

Ezra 3:1-4:5; 4:24-5:1; Haggai 1-2 Today Ezra introduces us to two significant characters: These two men, together with other leaders, get the returning exiles off to a positive start with a focus on reestablishing worship of the LORD. The first order of business is to rebuild the Altar so that they can offer the appointed …