Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Mar Deuteronomy 28-29 97 02-Mar Deuteronomy 30-32 102 03-Mar Deuteronomy 33-34; Psalm 90 58 04-Mar Joshua 1-5 98 05-Mar Joshua 6-8 88 06-Mar Joshua 9-11 93 07-Mar Joshua 12-14 72 08-Mar Joshua 15-17 91 09-Mar Joshua 18-19 79 10-Mar Joshua 20-22 88 11-Mar Joshua 23-24 49 12-Mar Judges 1-3:6 65 13-Mar Judges …
Author Archives: John S.
February 28 / Deuteronomy 24-27
Deuteronomy 24-27 You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain. Deuteronomy 25:4 I hope we all know that we are not now bound by the letter of all these laws. First of all, I am guessing that most of us are not descendants of Israel, and so are not really …
February 27 / Deuteronomy 21-23
Deuteronomy 21-23 So you shall purge the evil from your midst… Deuteronomy 21:21b This is an oft-repeated refrain in Deuteronomy. (See Dt. 13:5; 17:7,12; 19:19; 21:21; 22:21,24; 24:7; as well as 1 Corinthians 5:13.) Maybe we should pay attention. It would be easy for us to get side-tracked here (again!) by our own discomfort over these statements. We think …
February 26 / Deuteronomy 16:18-20:20
Deuteronomy 16:18-20:20 You shall appoint judges and officers …, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment. You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous. Justice, and only justice, …
February 25 / Deuteronomy 12:29-16:17
Deuteronomy 12:29-16:17 Today Moses sets forth a zero-tolerance policy against idolatry: Why such intolerance? Because the LORD loves His people. He desires to bless them. He desires that they have life. And life is found in relationship with Him. The greatest blessing anyone can have is the LORD Himself. Therefore, anything that gets in the …
February 24 / Deuteronomy 9-12:28
Deuteronomy 9-12:28 Do not say in your heart, after the LORD your God has thrust them out before you, “It is because of my righteousness that the LORD has brought me in to possess this land,” … Not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your heart are you going in to possess their …
February 23 / Deuteronomy 5-8
Deuteronomy 5-8 With four chapters in today’s reading, there is quite a lot that we could talk about. But I would be remiss not to focus on the Greatest Commandment, upon which everything else depends: You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your …
February 22 / Deuteronomy 3-4
Deuteronomy 3-4 Know therefore today, and lay it to your heart, that the LORD is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other. Deuteronomy 4:39 There are any number of things we can learn as we read through the Scriptures. We can be fascinated by ancient history and cultures. We …
February 21 / Deuteronomy 1-2
Deuteronomy 1-2 These are the words that Moses spoke to all Israel beyond the Jordan in the wilderness…In the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses spoke to the people of Israel according to all that the LORD had given him in commandment to them…Beyond the Jordan, in the land of …
February 20 / Numbers 34-36
Numbers 34-36 As we have seen before, unlike the other twelve tribes, the tribe of Levi is not to receive a large regional plot of land. The Levites have to live somewhere, though, so the LORD declares that they are to have 48 cities (or perhaps what we would now call towns) scattered throughout Israel’s …