November 3 / Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 Today we see the Preacher trying all sorts of things looking for meaning and satisfaction. He explores pleasure and samples whatever his heart desires. He tries sex. (And if this truly is Solomon speaking, with 700 wives and 300 concubines [I Kings 11:3], we can surmise that there was no shortage of sex!) …

November 2 / Ecclesiastes 1:12-18

Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 It is worth noting that Ecclesiastes is not simply a compilation of casual observations; it is the result of very deliberate study and inquiry: I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. (v. 13a) Perhaps we should pay attention and dig into what …

November 1 / Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. (v. 1) So who is this Preacher? Ancient tradition holds that the Preacher is none other than King Solomon, which is clearly consistent with this first verse and later verses (see Ecc. 1:12,13,16,2:1-10), coupled with everything else we know about Solomon, …

Introduction to Ecclesiastes

Forty-two. Yes, 42. If that just made you chuckle or brought a smile to your face, then you know what I’m talking about. If you are bewildered, then I’d like to refer you to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which started as a BBC comedic sci-fi radio series, followed by a TV show and …

September 30 / Psalm 106:34-48

Psalm 106:34-48 Today we see one of the most consequential mistakes of ancient Israel: their disobedience in not completely driving out the Canaanites from the Promised Land. As with the incident at Peor, which we saw yesterday, the result was cultic syncretism with its attendant idolatry and abhorrent practices. I won’t bother giving specific references …

September 29 / Psalm 106:24-33

Psalm 106:24-33 Today we have three more instances of Israel’s failure to follow the LORD, three different scenarios representing three different temptations or challenges: Ps. 106:24-27: The refusal to enter the Promised Land (See Num. 13-14.) The people choose fear over faith, seeing “giants in the land” rather than the Lord of Hosts, and not …

September 28 / Psalm 106:13-23

Psalm 106:13-23 The psalmist cites a few instances of Israel’s faithlessness and rebellion. For details on these incidents see Exodus 16:2,3,9-13; Numbers 11:1-4,18-23,31-35; 16:1-35; Exodus 32; and Deuteronomy 9:16-21. So how about us? How have we forgotten God’s works? How have we failed to wait for His counsel? How have we indulged our cravings rather …

September 27 / Psalm 106:1-12

Psalm 106:1-12 Whereas Psalm 105 celebrates the LORD’s faithfulness in dealing with Israel, Psalm 106 confesses Israel’s faithlessness in dealing with the LORD. Yet despite that faithlessness, the LORD remains faithful and delivers Israel time and again. Whenever I review the history of Israel, I am appalled at their faithlessness. The people see the great …

September 26 / Psalm 105:37-45

Psalm 105:37-45 Today’s reading completes the psalmist’s overview of the Exodus. We see how the Egyptians sent the Israelites away, even giving them silver and gold. (Ps. 105:37,38; Ex. 12:33-36) We see God’s faithfulness in guiding them and in providing them with food and water all through the wilderness. (Ps. 105:39-41; Ex. 13-17, plus the …

September 25 / Psalm 105:16-36

Psalm 105:16-36 The psalmist continues recounting highlights of Israel’s early history. We see Joseph, having been sold into slavery by his brothers, rising to power as Pharaoh’s right-hand man (Ps. 105:16-22). We also see that it is God Who summons a famine on the land, and it is God Who sent Joseph to Egypt as …