February 13 / Genesis 26

Genesis 26

Dear RTB’ers,

Today is our last day in Genesis for a while. Tomorrow we return to Luke to cover another third of his gospel; then after about three weeks we’ll come back to Genesis.

Today’s reading covers a series of events in Isaac’s life. It’s the only occasion where the focus is on him, where his father and his sons are not the main characters. However, even in this chapter we see Abraham mentioned eight times, including such important verses as (God speaking): “I will establish the oath that I swore to Abraham your father … because Abraham obeyed My voice…” (Gen. 26:3b-5a) and “I am the God of Abraham your father. Fear not, for I am with you and will bless you and multiply your offspring for my servant Abraham’s sake.” (Gen. 26:24b). So Isaac inherits the oath that God gave his father. Still, let us not diminish the fact that Isaac is a person to whom the Lord has appeared (Gen. 26:2,24), whom the Lord is directing, protecting and blessing. And I have met many more men and boys named Isaac than are named Abraham! 😊

We again meet Abimelech, previously known as “the king of [the city of] Gerar” (Gen. 20:2) when Abraham sojourned there, but now known as “the king of the Philistines” (Gen. 26:8). Isaac’s deception follows the same pattern as his father’s, but the Lord delivers him and makes him so prosperous that Abimelech sends him away. Even though this chapter ends with a peace treaty between Isaac and Abimelech (Gen. 26:26-31), with this event we see the beginnings of hostilities between the Israelites and the Philistines. These hostilities will continue throughout our Old Testament readings.


February 12 / Genesis 24:61-25:34

Genesis 24:61-25:34

Dear RTB’ers,

I mentioned yesterday that Isaac’s “story” quickly shifts to his sons instead. Jacob and Esau are at odds with each other from their time in the womb (Gen. 25:27), then in their actual birth, with Jacob holding on to Esau9’s heel (Gen. 25:26). Their difficulties continue with Esau selling his birthright for a bowl of stew (Gen. 25:30-34). But I wonder how much of their difficulty begins with their parents: Isaac loved Esau because he ate of his game, but Rebekah loved Jacob. (Gen. 25:28) Their split love moves from personal preferences to strategic maneuvering by Rebekah two chapters down the road (Genesis 27) and continues with animosity between the brothers for years to come. Spoiler alert – it’s very interesting how it all works out! Stay tuned!


February 11 / Genesis 24:1-60

Genesis 24:1-60

Dear RTB’ers,

A wife for Isaac. Of the three patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob), Isaac gets the least mention. We met Abraham back in Genesis 11 and will bury him in Genesis 25. Jacob is born in Genesis 26 and we will follow him into Egypt until he is buried in Genesis 50. With Isaac, however, we have his birth in Genesis 21, Abraham’s “sacrifice” of Isaac in Genesis 22, and the birth of his sons in Genesis 25 – wherein Isaac becomes more a secondary figure. So, less on Isaac and more on those around him.

Today’s reading is about one of those “around” Isaac, his future wife, Rebekah. The questions in STS cover what I think are the most important items in this reading. So this morning I was pondering my own “wife search”. I was a month short of 35 years old when Carol and I got married, so I had many years of “wife-searching”. Reflecting on those years between age 13 (when I first knew that I’d want to be married and have a family) and age 35 is a good opportunity for me to look back on the Lord’s work in my life as to this very important decision some 22 years later. I’ll leave it at that, suggesting that the rest of you reflect back on your own “spouse search” and see the Lord’s work in your life. [NOTE: Unmarrieds can still reflect on what has already gone on or on what may be down the road. 😊!]


See also: January 8 (2023) / Genesis 24

February 10 / Genesis 23

Genesis 23

Dear RTB’ers,

On our second day of reading this year I asked about Genesis 3 being a stand-alone chapter, while on both sides of Genesis 3 we had chapters doubled up (1-2 and 4-5). I argued that Genesis 3 deserved its solitary status, with sin entering the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience and all of us living through the results of that Fall. Today we see another stand-alone chapter, Genesis 23, but I cannot argue for the same justification of its standing alone. Frankly, it doesn’t fit well into its neighbor chapters, except as an add-on, much like yesterday’s inclusion of Abimelech (Genesis 21:22-34) to Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac in Genesis 22. So, Sarah’s death becomes, for us, a solitary event.

So what are we to learn from Genesis 23? Other than ancient Mideast bargaining strategies, we see two items of importance to me. First, in buying the land burying his wife near the city of Hebron, Abraham fully establishes himself as a resident of Canaan, the land that God had given to him as the Promised Land. Second, that burial plot for Sarah also becomes the burial plot for Abraham (Genesis 25:8-10), Isaac and Rebekah and Leah (Genesis 49:30-31) and Jacob (Genesis 50:13). Jacob’s wife, Rachel was not buried in the family tomb, but instead by the side of the road near Bethlehem, with a pillar marking her spot. (Genesis 35:18-20)

[NOTE: As to Abraham’s bargaining for the land, my Study Bible notes that Abraham paid an exorbitant price for that burial plot, including the entire field where it stood, and that he was now responsible for all dues accruing to that field in the future.]


February 9 / Genesis 21:22-22:24

Genesis 21:22-22:24

Dear RTB’ers,

Today, in my mind, the most powerful story in the Old Testament, Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac. As we read through the Old Testament, we will see how Joseph and Moses prefigured Jesus by delivering their people – Joseph bringing his brothers and their families to Egypt to escape the famine in Canaan and Moses bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Today we see the most prominent picture of Jesus in the Old Testament. Consider:

  1. Abraham, Isaac, and the two servants went a three-day journey from Beersheba to Mount Moriah (Jerusalem). Jesus was three days in the tomb between His cross and resurrection.
  2. Abraham told the servants, “Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will … come again to you.” (v. 22:5) Abraham knew that he and Isaac would return. Jesus predicted His resurrection: The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. And when He is killed, after three days He will rise.” (Mark 9:31, Matthew 17:21, Luke 9:22)
  3. Isaac carried the wood on his shoulder up the mountain. (v. 22:6a) Jesus carried His cross to Golgotha.
  4. God provided a lamb instead of Isaac. Jesus is the Lamb of God; He died in our place.
  5. Abraham perfectly obeyed God. Jesus prayed at Gethsemane, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me. Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42, Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:36)

It’s a powerful story. If you want to see Jesus in the Old Testament, remember “chapter 22”: Genesis 22 and Psalm 22.


See also: January 7 (2023) / Genesis 21-23

February 8 / Genesis 20:1-21:21

Genesis 20:1-21:21

Dear RTB’ers,

Two stories today, Abram-Abimelech and Isaac-Ishmael. The Abimelech incident is similar to the one we encountered a few days ago when Abram took a little trip down to Egypt (Genesis 12:10-20). In both cases Abraham told Sarah to say that she was his sister, not his wife. I certainly don’t understand that strategy. Did Abraham just assume that these “savage” people would automatically kill him and take his wife as one of their own? A strange expectation! But as I’ve said so many times, that was then, this is now! And what was “normal” back then…, go figure!!

The story of Isaac and Ishmael is more familiar. In this case it seems that Ishmael brought on his own demise by mocking Isaac at Isaac’s weaning celebration (Gen 21:9). Sarah (as any mother might) took offense and demanded that Abraham drive Ishmael and Hagar away. We can see that Abraham loved Ishmael, his son, The matter distressed Abraham greatly… (Gen 21:21a). After all, Ishmael was in his mid-teens; he and Abraham had had all these years together, so it’s certainly troubling to Abraham to send his son away. Although God saw to Hagar and Ishmael’s welfare, we don’t know if Abraham would ever know how Ishmael turned out. Turns out, this incident is super important to the apostle, Paul, as he distinguishes between those born of the flesh and those born of the Spirit. I encourage you to read Galatians 4:21-31 as you reflect further on today’s reading. We see again how the Old Testament is tied to Jesus and the New Testament. It’s all one big, interconnected story!


February 7 / Genesis 19

Genesis 19

Dear RTB’ers,

Genesis 19, one of the saddest chapters in the Bible. How could anyone read Genesis 19 and still be positive for same-sex issues? The men of Sodom speaking: “Bring them out to us, that we may know them.” (v. 5b, ESV) The NASB is more deliberate: “Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them.” I’ll leave it at that.

As to Lot’s relations with his daughters… From these two incestual nights come the Moabites and the Ammonites. Remember these two names, these two tribes. We’ll see them as enemies of Israel years down the road.


February 6 / Genesis 18

Genesis 18

Dear RTB’ers,

I mentioned yesterday that we would see “the angel of the LORD” appearing in our readings as we moved through the Bible. Today we see the LORD Himself coming to Abraham, along with two companions: And the LORD appeared to him… and behold, three men were standing in front of him. (vv. 1a, 2a) In the very next chapter we see the LORD’s companions referred to as The two angels… (Genesis 19:1a). So the LORD, Himself appears and He brings along two angels and then He sends them forth as His emissaries. I often wonder about angelic activities in our lives today. Many Christmas movies have angels appearing in human form (e.g., It’s A Wonderful Life, The Bishop’s Wife, etc.). I’ve long believed in guardian angels, but I don’t know that the Lord has ever sent an angel to me in person. Maybe? I do wonder about one incident. And you? Angels…?

The announcement of Isaac’s birth brings about a strange interchange: Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed…; So Sarah laughed to herself… (Genesis 17:17; 18:12). Both Abraham and Sarah laughed at the thought of Sarah giving birth in her old age, but it seems that only Sarah was chastised: The LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh…” (Gen. 18:13). And then Sarah denied it: …“I did not laugh,” for she was afraid. He said, “No, but you did laugh.” (Gen. 18:15b). Abraham’s laughter brought forth his son’s name, Isaac, which means “He laughs”, but Sarah’s laughter brought the LORD’s questioning, her denial, and the LORD’s retort. Why the two different responses? Thoughts?

And then there’s Sodom and Gomorrah. But that’s mostly tomorrow’s story. But I do like Abraham bargaining with the LORD (Gen. 18:23-33). An interesting incident possibly reflecting the impact of our intercessory prayers…?


February 5 / Genesis 16-17

Genesis 16-17

Dear RTB’ers,

Early on I suggested that I try to get my e-mail posts out by 8:00 AM, or 9:00 AM at the latest. Obviously I have not held myself firmly to that schedule, but I do try to post early. Today, however, the newborn child across the driveway created my delay. So, you early risers, I hope you’ve already read our two chapters and reflected on God’s work with His people!

A few words here and there can help our understanding. At the beginning of Gen. 17:4, the NASB has three words (God speaking), “As for Me…”. [NOTE: The ESV has “Behold…”.] Then at the beginning of Gen. 17:9, God says, “As for you…”; at the beginning of Gen. 17:15, He says “As for Sarai…”; and at the beginning of Gen. 17:20, He says, “As for Ishmael…”. These few words structure Genesis 17 for us. “As for me…” covers God’s covenant commitment to Abraham and his offspring in Gen. 17:4-8. Then “As for you…” introduces Abraham’s part of this covenant relationship through circumcision (Gen. 17:9-14, 23-27). “As for Sarai…” introduces the promise of Isaac’s birth (Gen. 17:15-19), and “As for Ishmael…” gives us God’s plan for Ishmael (Gen. 17:20-21).

There are a couple of items in today’s reading that will come up a number of times in our readings over the next few years. The first is the “angel of the LORD” appearing to Hagar (Gen. 16:7-13). Scholars debate who this “angel” is. Most simply say that this angel is indeed a heavenly angel come to earth as God’s messenger, delivering God’s words. Others argue that this angel is Jesus “pre-incarnate” coming to earth and foreshadowing His own incarnation thousands of years later. I like the “heavenly angel come to earth” argument, but I’m no theologian!

The second item is circumcision. That’ll stay with us throughout the Old Testament. See especially the incident told in Genesis 34. Then circumcision becomes a major New Testament issue – did believing Gentiles need to be circumcised? We’ll deal with that item when we read Acts.


See also: January 6 (2023) / Genesis 17-20

February 4 / Genesis 15

Genesis 15

Dear RTB’ers,

Today, a short reading, not as much action, mostly a conversation between the Lord and Abraham. On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram… (v. 18a). This is now the second covenant between God and His people. The first was with Noah (God speaking): “Behold, I establish My covenant with you and your offspring after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth. I establish My covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” (Genesis 9:9-11) God confirmed this covenant with a rainbow. (Genesis 9:12-13) As I understand it, God’s covenant in today’s reading with Abram was the “Promised Land”, from Egypt to the Euphrates River (v. 18b). He confirmed this covenant by passing between the sacrificial offerings (v. 17).

God had also made a promise to Abram regarding his descendants: “… your very own son shall be your heir … Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them … So shall your offspring be.” (vv. 4b-5) This is the second time that God had made a promise to Abraham: “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:2-3) The Bible does not refer to God’s promise of offspring to Abram specifically as a covenant. There is a large body of literature on “covenant theology”. A Wikipedia item suggested scholars claiming between one and twelve covenants. Another online source cited seven covenants. I like five as the number: Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and the New Covenant in Jesus. https://bibleproject.com/articles/covenants-the-backbone-bible/ Also, it’s easy to break the Abraham covenant into three pieces – his offspring, the land, and circumcision. Again, we leave it to Bible scholars to argue these points.

So, today we see a promise of offspring to Abraham and a Promised Land covenant. We will see the beginning of the fulfillment of the former of these in chapter 21, but we’ll have to wait until we read the book of Joshua to see the settling of the Promised Land.


See also: January 5 (2023) / Genesis 12-16