August 7 / Joshua 5-6

Joshua 5-6 Dear RTB’ers, Two chapters today – preparation and conquest. The preparation was two-fold; the first was the circumcision of all adult males and the second was the celebration of the Passover. My Study Bible indicates that neither of these covenant activities had been celebrated since the Israelites had celebrated the Passover at Sinai. …

August 6 / Joshua 3-4

Joshua 3-4 Dear RTB’ers, Israel crossing the Jordan River. I was first going to re-tell the story a bit, but then thought to have the rest of you do that–finding all the differences between Israel’s Exodus crossing of the Red Sea and their crossing the Jordan River today. There are many. I’ll hope to hear …

August 5 / Joshua 2

Joshua 2 Dear RTB’ers, Today’s key verse (Rahab speaking): … for the LORD your God, He is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath. (v. 11b) Today’s reading is a good example of God at work in our lives – with His work done alongside our efforts. Consider man’s contribution: Joshua’s leadership, …

August 3 / II Thessalonians 2:13-3:18

II Thessalonians 2:13-3:18 Dear RTB’ers, I have a problem with food – I eat more than I need. Mostly it’s not a problem at mealtimes; the bigger problem is between meals when I am being lazy or when I’m bored, when I’m just sitting around not doing much. But contrast, when I am outside working …

August 2 / II Thessalonians 2:1-12

II Thessalonians 2:1-12 Dear RTB’ers, So, what’s going on in today’s reading? Paul’s complex sentence structures often make it difficult to follow his intended teaching; repeated reading will help our understanding of what he is saying. Here’s my shortened take on today’s reading. There is a “man of lawlessness” who has not yet been revealed, …

August 1 / II Thessalonians 1

II Thessalonians 1 Dear RTB’ers, Many Bible scholars maintain that II Thessalonians was written not long after I Thessalonians (maybe six month or so). Presumably Paul had sent Silas and Timothy to Thessalonica with his first letter; then when they returned (with more questions!) he wrote this second letter. The “end-times” dominates this second letter. …

August 2024 Readings

Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Aug II Thessalonians 1 12 02-Aug II Thessalonians 2:1-12 12 03-Aug II Thessalonians 2:13-3:17 22 04-Aug Joshua 1 18 05-Aug Joshua 2 24 06-Aug Joshua 3-4 41 07-Aug Joshua 5-6 42 08-Aug Joshua 7 26 09-Aug Joshua 8 35 10-Aug Joshua 9 27 11-Aug Joshua 10 43 12-Aug Joshua 11-12 47 13-Aug …

July 31 / I Thessalonians 5

I Thessalonians 5 Dear RTB’ers, First, a bit of clarification… The words “sleep and asleep” occur four times in today’s reading (I Th. 5:6, 7, 10) and three times in yesterday’s reading (I Th. 4:13-15). In chapter 4 Paul was clearly using “sleep” as a metaphor for death referring to those believers who had died. …

July 30 / I Thessalonians 4

I Thessalonians 4 Dear RTB’ers, For this is the will of God, your sanctification… (v. 3a, NASB). This word, “sanctification” occurs twice more in the next four verses in the NASB; the ESV has “holiness” in verses 4b and 7b. It was a new concept to me that I picked up on only a few …