February 10 / Matthew 8:14-17

Matthew 8:14-17

“Notice what you notice.” If we were reading through our Chronological Bibles four or five pages at a time, we’d might never have noticed that we jumped from chapter 4 in Matthew to chapter 8. Essentially we skipped the Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7) plus a few verses before and after. Both Mark and Luke maintain the flow, however, with their accounts of today’s reading, staying within the chapters that we have been reading. It could also be true that if we were reading Matthew in “linear” fashion, we may not have known that his account of Peter’s mother-in-law’s healing was also covered in Mark and Luke. Again, we are blessed with our reading of only a few verses each day. I’ll save comparisons with the other accounts for another day.

Today I was struck by verse 16, That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick. I’m trying to imagine the extent of demon possession back in those days. Capernaum was probably one of the largest cities in Galilee (if not the largest), so as Matthew reports, there were “many” who were demon possessed or were ill. In addition, the readings the last few days have closed with a report of the extensive “coverage” Jesus’ ministry was getting in Galilee, And reports about him went out into every place in the surrounding region (Luke 4:37), so people were also flocking to him from nearby towns, all seeking healing. So, ill and needing healing, yes, I can understand. But demon possession…??!! We have a few graphical accounts of Jesus casting out demons, one from yesterday’s reading even, with the healing of the Gerasene demoniac being the most prominent (Mark 5:1-17).

So I wonder what was meant by “demon possession” back then. Was it a form of mental illness? Possibly, but there were also physical manifestations. Mark’s account of the Gerasene demoniac has him breaking chains and cutting himself (Mark 5:4). Demon possession seems to be all too common in Jesus’ time. I will find myself watching for it as we read further.

But I also wonder about demon possession in our own time. I wonder how common it might be. Before Carol and I were married my roommates and I encountered one such violent possession; it was quite scary. I’m sure evangelists and missionaries have many such stories. Thankfully we have a Savior who has overcome these evil spirits and to Whom we can turn. Glory!

Slava Bohu!!

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