March 8 / Matt. 5:33-42

Matthew 5:33-42

“Notice what you notice.” I find it harder to find something to say about the readings when it is Jesus’ straightforward teaching. No action, no parables, just speech. And we certainly don’t want to disagree with whatever Jesus says, so mostly we nod and try to get at any deeper meaning.

So the first half of today’s reading, yeah, makes sense. Tell the truth, always. No need to swear on your mother’s grave, just be a man/woman of your word. And if you’re in court and place your hand on the Bible and swear to “tell the truth…”, just do it, no problem. Except we see in our current newscasts that liars lie. Cohen admits to lying earlier, now wants us to believe him. Democrats say “Yeah, finally, the truth will out!” Republicans scream, “He’s a convicted liar, he’s still lying.” Manafort agrees to give more information if the prosecution will go lenient on him. Then he lies again about what transpired. Who or what to believe??!!

So, the second half of today’s reading… Really? Jesus, are we supposed to take Your words literally? Turn the other cheek? (That is, don’t defend yourself?) Meet “demands” with excessive compliance? Maybe even pay more taxes than what is required of us? Give freely to beggars and borrowers? These are some hard words!

What is our responsibility in today’s world, when we in the USA have so much and so many in the world have so little? All of these are “brothers or sisters for whom Christ died” (I Corinthians 8:11, slightly edited and out of its original context). No doubt ours is a generous congregation – as Treasurer I see that more than others, parishioners giving liberally and sacrificially. Could we do more? Yes. Should we do more? That’s a harder answer. Our Men’s Group has wrestled with this question time and again – what is our responsibility with our finances? What is our responsibility for our own futures and that of our children vs. our responsibility toward generosity for the needy here and around the world? Jesus makes us think!

Slava Bohu!

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