March 16 / Matt. 7:1-6

Matthew 7:1-6

“Notice what you notice.” Do not judge… and “pearls before swine”. A couple of good lessons here.

I’ve had to work on my being overly judgmental. In a sermon a few years back our pastor in Texas told us that our worst trait was often our best trait taken to a negative extreme (or words to that effect). He then gave us an example, that teachers (good trait) are inherently judgmental (bad trait). His words hit me right at my heart!! I had both traits, the good and the bad. Since then I’ve tried to catch myself and offer a prayer when judgment rears its ugly head. That happens a lot when I see someone who is very overweight. Who am I to judge…!!?? I’m carrying 30+ pounds that I don’t need!! But thank God, mostly now I catch myself and offer a prayer for that person.

Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you (v. 6). Mostly we can reason our way through what Jesus was saying here, to not waste our “holy” words with someone who is completely unreceptive. But the swine part… Most of us have not been around swine (pigs) very much, but we can easily imagine pigs trampling pearls underfoot if we throw pearls into their muck. But, attack us…??!! YES! Pigs can be brutal! And not just wild boars! Domestic pigs are big and have a very low center of gravity. They can easily take your feet out from under you if you’re not careful, especially a temperamental new sow if you interfere with her young piglets or any grown pig if you get in the way of their food. So now you have a vivid illustration of wasting “holy” words – those attacks can be vicious if you are sharing with someone who is totally unreceptive. This happened to me with a younger brother not long ago, when he really lashed out at me for constantly pushing Jesus on him. Instead, pray and wait, wait and pray!


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